Feed Specification

The Feed Specification is an array of hash describing the fields available for the feed item.

the general form is :


{ name:"", title:"", type:"", values:{} },


Field Hash

each hash of the array describe an information to ask to the user.

the key name is the name of the POST variable

the key title is the name of the field to show to the user

Field Type

The type key describe the type of the field it can have this values ( the default value is string value )



default one, the user have to insert a short text value


the user have to insert an url


the user have to insert a number


the user have to insert a medium/long text value


the user have to insert a medium/long text value with possibility to use html/css code


the user have to select an image ( the server is expecting an image url )

in this particular case the server need also a POST variable named "thumb" that contains the url of the thumbnail. (Not necessary for CMS and Website)


the user have to insert a date string

checkbox | radio | select

the user should see the specific input type. The values of the inputs are founds in the values key that is an hash that contains the real value as the key and the value to show as the value.


the user have to inserted a geolocalizated space.

The server is expecting 2 POST variable , latitude and longitude, preprended with the name key.

The application is free to help the user choose the coordinate in any ways.